**Contact** is a super basic Node.js application that enables you to send email forms with minimal configuration. All form configuration is done in your HTML.
<inputtype="hidden"name="_subject"value="This is a test form"/>
This project is, in some way, a clone of a great free service: [Formspree.io](https://formspree.io/). Although Formspree is great, it might **not** be the best option for everyone; 2 key factors drived me to create this clone:
Formspree is opensource and it's code is on GitHub, but the setup process is way more than a trivial task, not to mention the requirements. Requirement 1 not met.
1. Should allow me to send attachments.
Formspree does not allow you to send email forms with attachments (at least not at the time when this written). Requirement 2 not met.
## Requirements
- Node.js v6.0.0 or greater.
- A Mailgun account.
## Installation
Clone this repo on your server or download the zip file.
Once you have the code, run `npn install --production` to download and install all the project dependencies required to run this project.
Next step, configure your server. Open `config/config.yml` which should look like this:
And update the values to match your preferences:
- **emails** is an array of email addresses. This emails are the **ONLY** emails this server will be allowed to send emails to (authorized emails)
**Contact** uses [indecent.js][indecent] for loading its YAML configuration files, this allows you to override the above settings based on the value of `NODE_ENV`. You can read more about that in the [module documentation][indecent].
Your form's action should point to your **contact** server using a valid email address (defined in the YAML file). If the email address is not in the whitelist the email will not be sent.
### Fields
- **_from**: *Required*. This is usually the email address of the user submitting the email form. It will be used as the Form field.
- **_subject**: *Optional*. The email subject.
- **_info**: *Optional*. This text will be included in the email body before the values. Useful for providing some context in the email body.
- **_attachment**: *Optional*. A file can be attached to the email form using this for the name of an `<input type="file"/>`. When sending attachments do not forget to include `enctype="multipart/form-data"` in your form tag.
- **_next**: *Optional*. A URL to redirect the user once the form was submited succesfully.
- **_fake**: *For testing*. If `true`, the email will not be sent and instead a JSON paylod will be shown. Useful when testing the form with a REST client.
All other form fields will be send by title casing the name. For example `<input type="text" name="first_name" />` will be displayed in the email as "First Name:"